Five (5) Tips for Selling to Dentists, from a dentist’s perspective. These are Tips formulated by a dentist from their own dental practice experiences and working with experienced dental sales reps.

Novice to Experienced dental sales representatives will also benefit from review of these 5 valuable sales tips from a Dentist for Selling to Dentists, regardless of relationships you already established.

Selling to DentistsDentistry is one of the important branches of the health care system. Dentists are one of the major pillars of this system. When selling to dentists, you may face a multitude of difficulties when you begin to sell to dentists. You may find multiple challenges at times which can prevent you from succeeding in your new role of selling to dentists… But hold on. You are a sales professional and you can succeed with breaking into medical sales through successful sales to dentists.

Here are 5 tips for Breaking into Medical Sales for the Novice to Experienced Sales representative when selling to dentists.

Follow these insightful ways to sell the most to any dentist.

  1. Be Flexible

    • Sales professionals have previously been known to drop into a dentist’s office at any time of the day. The daily routine of patient care of dentists is disturbed from sales reps cold calling dentists. Scheduling appointments is very important when initially attempting to sell to dentists. Some sales professionals have been very successful with cold calling. Successfulness will depend on territories, receptiveness of the office staff and how busy the practice is.
    • After becoming well established you will be viewed as a trusted partner; you will be welcomed at any time and scheduling in advance will not be so critical.  However, flexibility is still important for the experienced, proven and valued sales professional.
  2. Be Knowledgeable

    • Yes, this is crucial. You need to be knowledgeable about your products and offer marketable products or services beneficial to the practice for improving patient care. Likewise, at MedCepts, we are very selective in the opportunities we allow vendors, manufacturers or physician inventors to post.
    • Find great independent sales opportunities to select good products, based on your interest, relationships, experience or targeted call points. It is critically important to offer great products or services. Guidance for additional insight on What makes a product hot, from the perspective of a sales rep will be beneficial for the new sales rep breaking into medical dental sales.
    • When selling to dentists, it is best to target a particular type of dentist very specific to the product you are offering. Is the product best for general dentists? Or orthodontists? Or oral surgeons?
    • Get your concepts clear and absorb as much training from your product or service provider as you can. Sales team training is an ongoing process. You should always feel comfortable with asking questions of your product providers to enhance your presentation when selling to dentists.
    • Knowledge will help you keep your points in front of the dentist in the absolute best way possible. You can have an exciting, yet profitable, conversation when empowered with knowledge. It is usually best not to try to stretch the conversation beyond the medical products you are presenting, at least for the initial meetings.
  3. Be Professional

    • Speak in such a way that anyone at the particular clinic or hospital will be impressed with your communications skills. After all, selling is all about a professional approach with your targeted potential clients. If you are having a bad day, then you may want to avoid conducting meetings with potential future customers. Remember, First Impressions Matter in the Medical and Healthcare Industry. If having a bad day, it is best to utilize the day with working in your office. Office time is great for reviewing your sales presentations and establishing your call schedule. Recognize, Dentists are detail oriented and they will ask questions. So, you need to remain professional, answer them smartly and be at your best.
  1. Look Presentable:

    • Make sure that you wear professional attire on the day of the meeting but be careful not to overdo this. Your overall appearance and presentation leave a significant impact on any potential client. Look presentable. Try not be present yourself as being in a hurry, even if you only have 30 seconds of an elevator pitch time allowance. Try to arrive early, before the scheduled time at the meeting location.
  1. Improve efficiency for the dentist:

    • Dentists are busy. If you want long term clients then it is important to recognize your potential goal of making the dentist’s job easier and more efficient in providing patient care. You should always value the time a dentist provides you, particularly if you want to build a long lasting relationship with them. Make things easy for the dentist. Dentists usually have time constraints. Dentists need to provide sufficient time to their patients. In other words, recognize the value of their time.
    • Be sure you offer products providing benefits to enhance patient care and efficiency in the work environment of the dentist’s practice. If you can save the time for a dentist or provide him or her with the latest technology, he will be much more enticed with buying your product. You can even collaborate with manufacturers of compatible dental products to build your portfolio of products. Add even more value of working with you by offering multiple products and services. When breaking into medical sales, recognize the Advantages of being an Independent Sales professional. Be sure your sales presentation and marketing collateral immediately reflects how your product will provide increased value to the dentist’s working hours.

The above are five valuable tips to help you land new dentist clients every week. So, why are you waiting? Just go ahead, implement these tips and begin earning substantial income in the medical and healthcare industry.


The main components of the article is written by a Dentist. It is protected by Copyright of MedCepts.

In conclusion, it will be worth every effort to succeed in breaking into medical sales through selling to dentists. Based on an Income Earnings Survey of over 5,000 sales representatives, the highest earnings were those with over 20 years of medical sales experience. Each of them had to break into the medical sales industry at one time or another.  Building a High Impact Sales Force with Independent Sales Representatives provides companies with a competitive edge and significantly cut costs for building a sales team. MedCepts works directly with start up companies, emerging companies and well branded (established) companies. As a sales representative, you will want to be a part of new and innovative technology. Be sure to peruse the additional resources we provide for sales in the medical and healthcare industry.